Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smashbox FACE/OFF 2010

I'm super excited to have two of my works selected to show and participate in Smashbox Studios' 2010 FACE/OFF competition. The show was created to give up and coming artists/photographers exposure, but also its a great excuse to have a good time and meet fellow photographers!

You can find the event details and RSVP on Smashbox's Blog they call YELLO.

The first piece is a photo taken a few years ago of my good friend Jimmy. I caught this moment at the end of the day and it just so happens that it was last exposure on my roll. Until recently it's been hanging above the toilet in my bathroom, so I'm glad its finally going to see the light of day.

The second piece is a stop-motion video I created during my time in Japan this summer. There is a blog entry somewhere below going over the technicals.

Hope to see you there!